List of Participants

Number of registers : 81
Brent Archinal ()
Participation to the dinner : More details needed, but yes, likely.
Daniel Baguet ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes
Julie Bellerose ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes
Bruno Bertrand ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes
Liliane Biskupek ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Christian Bizouard ()
Participation to the dinner : 2
Marie Anne Bizouard ()
Participation to the dinner : 1
Alexandre BOUGHANEMI ()
Participation to the dinner : no
Adrien Bourgoin ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Arthur Briaud ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Aurélien Chalumeau ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes
Yuting CHENG ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes
Frederic Cleva ()
Participation to the dinner : no
Nicholas Colmenares ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes/will participate
Clément Courde ()
Participation to the dinner : No
Maria Davis ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Pascale Defraigne ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Simone Dell'Agnello ()
Participation to the dinner : YES
Huarong Deng ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Robert Dill ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Johann Eckl ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Alberto Escapa ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes
Thomas Marshall Eubanks ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Michael Ferguson ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
José Manuel Ferrándiz ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
agnes fienga ()
Participation to the dinner : 1
Honglin Fu ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Participation to the dinner : yes
Richard Gross ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes
Jiang Guo ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes
Zhang Haifeng ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
James Hanssen ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Aurelien Hees ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Robert Heinkelmann ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Daniel Hestroffer ()
Participation to the dinner : maybe
James Hilton ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Yong Huang ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes
Christopher Jacobs ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes
Sergei Klioner ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Andy Kopf ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes
Zhulian Li ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Yuqiang Li ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Nick Makley ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Vincenzo Mariani ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes
Hervé Mariey ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Valerie Mercier ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Gilles Metris ()
Participation to the dinner : No
Frédéric Meynadier ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Maciej Michalczak ()
Participation to the dinner : No
Chatzinikos Miltiadis ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Olivier Minazzoli ()
Participation to the dinner : 2
Mark Moffett ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes.
Jürgen Müller ()
Participation to the dinner : to be decided
Elnaz Naghibi ()
Participation to the dinner : No
Jolanta Nastula ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes
Flora Paganelli ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Ryan Park ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes
Aleksander Partyka ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes
steve peil ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes
Leonid Petrov ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Elisa Pinat ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Nicholas RADULESCO ()
Participation to the dinner : 2
Nicolas Rambaux ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes
Anja Schlicht ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Guessoum Sonia ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Nicholas Stamatakos ()
Participation to the dinner : YES
Susan Stewart ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Kai Tang ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes
Paolo Tanga ()
Participation to the dinner : no
François Taris ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Patrizia TAVELLA ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Wei Tian ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Oleg Titov ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Peter Vollmair ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes
Toni Wilmot ()
Participation to the dinner : Yes
Malgorzata Winska ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Minghui Xu ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Yongzhang Yang ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Jingdong Zhang ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Zhongping Zhang ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
Sven Zschocke ()
Participation to the dinner : yes
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